ACAB. Except for this puppy patrol, maintaining public safety. This dog cop kept me in sight and barked, just making sure that me, a stranger, did not present a threat to her owners.
I was sitting in the a wooden veranda with the ACAB graffiti. As she barked at me, I asked the owner if she might be a biter. The women looked at me like I was a paranoid schizophrenic. Like I’d asked you if a cat was going to kill me (cat’s would if they could, you know).
They paused. “No haha she’s just saying Hi!”
I’ll link, not embed. I don’t like to ruin my readers’ day, but there’s a video circulating online of a joyous Black lab running around in a family yard in Iowa. There are two kids playing in the yard, and their mother is standing on the porch. A cop comes out of his car and tells them to leash the dog. The dog runs up to him, barking, but she’s also wagging her tail. “Myst! Myst!” The woman calls the dog. “Oh my god!” she says, exasperated. Then you hear a pop and the dog runs back to the house, this time frantically whimpering. You can tell the mom and the kids have a delayed reaction to what just happened, until the dog starts twitching on the ground and then is still and which point they start screaming.
This is not a man. He should not have a gun. I am a skinny girl, without a gun, and while I might be nervous if a dog ran at me barking, I’d reach out my hand and ask the owners if he’s friendly. This is what I would do. The worst thing that would happen is a dog bite. In this worst case scenario, I would go to the hospital, where a doctor would sow up the dog bite if it were really bad, and I’d caution the family to keep their dog on leash in the future.
Like a broken record I keep writing about low-trust vs. high-trust societies. But it really is SO striking, when you land in a high-trust society (in this case Sofia, Bulgaria) from a low-trust society (America).
The other day, in the same park, a far more intimidating looking specimen—a pit bull—ran towards me. I had high trust that if the dog were a threat to others, the owners would keep her leashed. The dog was friendly.
There’s no more extreme and horrifying avatar of a “low-trust" society than the trigger happy cop, scared of everything, convinced that every Black kid or white kid or blonde Australian tourist is a threat that should be shot or choked to death first, ask questions later.
This is why I find it infuriating that people, including on the Left, snottily shat on the defund movement, until it died. I guarantee this dog executioner will not face any consequences, because, why would he, without his police chief facing the cut-off federal funds if they don’t do a better job of keeping cowardly psychos like this off the payroll?
That link seems to be 404 now.