I promised when I started this blog that it would not just re-litigate Twitter squabling and boy have I failed.
In my defense, it is where the vast majority of media people spend most of their day while neglecting their children and hygiene, so it’s not the worst place to get interpretations of political events by people who help shape the discourse for better or worse (worse).
One trend I’m seeing is the take that Trump’s shooting won’t really impact the election because people are dug into their partisan positions. This is framed as the “reasonable” take. Like, “Settle down, stop being hysterical, the rational men are in the room.”
It’s not completely unreasonable. We all have the attention span of gnats. The problem, for Democrats, is the collision of images and social media. Think about how many fucking memes that picture of Trump, looking like a victorious George Washington, will spawn? And contrast that with a slack-jawed Joe Biden losing his train of thought and hobbling stifly from the podium? Think about the fact that the war in Gaza is the first war in the history of the world to get live-streamed 24/7. Like all humans who are not psychopaths, I can’t watch children suffer. Naturally, my social media feed is stuffed with images of children suffering.
I think these two phenomenon combined will lead to a Trump landslide, and the #resistance morons won’t be feasibly able to blame Russia this time. Find a way to help immigrants over the next 5 years.