Jun 13, 2023Liked by Tana Ganeva

It’s a power/adrenaline thing. The trillbillies podcast did a story last week talking about a dude who impersonates cops on the regular. He was so convincing he would regularly fool cops by saying he was from another town on loan, he would be given a partner and sent out on the street. He was caught 12 times. In the show they talk about how for him he became addicted to the spontaneous adrenaline rushes and the god/power complex. Even the “good cops” use power corruptly. As letting someone off the hook has the same “rush” as beating someone then throwing them in jail. I look at them more as people with an addiction problem... same as the rich it’s a money addiction.

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It's a great magic trick that as soon as a cop detains someone, the detainee immediately becomes someone whose complaints and protests shouldn't be taken seriously, so obviously the cop shouldn't get in trouble

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Fascinating recent(ish) post from John Ganz on the internal structure of Israeli Jewish society and how it relates to recent and historical events. Similar arrangement - the less affluent, less educated Israeli Jews end up doing the dirty work. Quoting from Ganz quoting +972 “Israel’s tendency to outsource the ugliest functions of its colonizing apparatus to marginalized social groups is a fundamental, yet frequently overlooked, piece of the puzzle.” https://www.unpopularfront.news/p/go-back-tomorrocco

This got me thinking about the Irish in America, of course. This is probably old hat for Ms. Ganeva, but I'd never really read this history before (brief version here: https://www.history.com/news/how-stereotypes-of-the-irish-evolved-from-criminals-to-cops)

And thinking about the general urban/rural and educated/uneducated tension that goes back millennia. But I won't go down that rabbithole here.

Are there good statistics out there on the place of birth for NYPD police and perhaps even the economic status of their families of origin?

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