During my previous life, prior to getting my shit together so to speak, I was arrested and resisted. I was tased, pulled from the car, and pinned to the ground by 3 or 4 big cops. They all together put their knees on my body and I could literally feel the air being pushed out of my chest. When I tried to breathe, I physically could not lift my chest with the strength of the lungs alone, you quite literally can't breathe. It's the scariest feeling in the entire world and I'm not surprised at all that people die this way. Thankfully, I walked away, but not without the cops making up and stacking a bunch of charges against me, all because I had drugs in my pocket. They do this to scare people. They charged me with battery of a police officer (I did not fight back other than trying to flee), among others that were later dropped thanks to the video in the cops car. But I'll never forget it, and I'll just say from my personal experience that excited delirium is nonsense. Very obviously

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Holy shit. That is terrifying. I'm so sorry.

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That's ok! I'm better for it! Stronger! And I've seen the world in a way so many of my white bretheren haven't. I'm not saying at all that my plite even remotely resembles what it must be like to be a minority in America. Not at all. My point is that they have a point, defund actually made sense to me, over policing really is a problem and the drug crisis is a crisis of our own making and refusal to try new things other than straight up abstinence based nonsense that doesn't work for most people. I could go on and on. And I will eventually write my whole story. I just want people to understand how truly privileged I was to be white going through the justice system watching others receive way worse sentences than myself solely because of what they looked like and where they were born. It's very real. And I think we need more white people sounding the alarm with our fellow Americans. I hear them. I've experienced it first hand. And it's fucking wrong lol

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The NYT really is worthless.

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There is such a thing as stimulant psychosis, of course, but ketamine is NOT what you give to stabilize psychosis.

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The biggest irony is that "excited delirium" sounds a lot like PCP (angel dust, "embalming fluid") intoxication, and they give the person ketamine, which, like PCP, is also a dissociative drug (aka NMDA antagonist). So that makes zero sense at all. Clearly does far more harm than good.

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Elijah played the viola, beautifully 🖤

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This is such an important story. Heartbreaking.

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