Aug 17, 2023Liked by Tana Ganeva

THATS HER IDEA OF SURVEILLANCE?!?! Holy shit have I got some news for Pollyanna she probably won’t believe! 🖤

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Absolutely spot on. I had the same reaction to this asinine column. Police PR people team up with merchants to spread a narrative that "shoplifting is killing us" and that "crime is way up," and finally that, as you point out, reform-minded DA's like Boudin in SF and Bragg in Manhattan are to blame. I recall an investigative report on this exact subject, focusing specifically on the supposed "epidemic" of train robberies in California, just tried to find it but I can't. In any event, crime is actually down significantly in NYC, the histrionics to the contrary notwithstanding.

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Totally. The NYT op-ed page is fact-free.

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Thank you for your this, Parker. I was disgusted with Pamela’s column. I don’t condone shoplifting, obviously. But there are so many more pressing and real concerns.

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Where is the data for 2021 and beyond? The charts only go up to 2020, with may be an anomalous year for obvious reasons.

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Yeah I mean... also, sometimes I get hard seltzers at night at CVS. Once you ring the bell—or, imagine—go up to the cash register to politely ask them to help you, the clerks usually just follow you around. You don't have to summon them over and over for each individual item, is this person an alien?

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