And the rich just keep getting richer while paying little to no income tax since they are living on bank loans while using their stock portfolios as collateral. Fortunately for them their stock portfolios keep going up in value since American companies prefer to enrich their ivory tower through stock buy backs rather than invest in things like safe rail cars. And now the ever growing population of poor people in America are the tax payers problem. But let's fire off some more cool rockets. 🙄😳😔

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1. Willie Brown is still alive? Wow.

2. Chris Licht is evil.

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I agree with almost everything you said. But the issue of homeless people leading to the closing of downtown businesses, especially in West Coast cities, is real. My son's office in downtown Seattle was shut down and moved to the suburbs, because clients just didn't want to go there anymore. Which also meant the closure of nearby restaurants and stores. And one weekend, his young daughter was pushed to the ground by a homeless person off her meds. She wasn't really hurt, but she stopped asking to go downtown.

Actual solutions to homelessness require a great deal of money and thoughtfulness, not tough on crime DAs who just recycle the homeless through jails or hospitals for a couple of days. And sadly, good liberals don't want to spend that money. Or even really think about solutions. Other than calling people "unhoused" instead of "homeless". They'd rather just drive in even more traffic in order to ignore the problem.

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Well said. It’s disappointing, but we can definitely toss CNN on the raging maga dumpster fire & sadly, that’s just typical spew from the Post- they’ve been on a spit over the flames for some time now. All I know is that Americans en masse better smarten up, because it feels a lot like we’re picking up speed in the wrong direction on the proverbial slippery slope

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While unproductive and a personal attack, Daniel Penny sure has large nips.


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