Sep 25Liked by Tana Ganeva

I agree that there are aspects of xenophobia and racism in the way some people speak of Middle East/North African migrants and rape in Europe, but to act incredulous as to how people could even get the idea that this is a problem is divorced from reality given events like the 2015-2016 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Germany. I haven’t deep-dived the data, and from what I can tell there’s not a ton of solid data out there, but you can find some scattered data points suggesting migrants are overrepresented in those committing sexual violence https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764

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Look, there's no denying that the most dangerous demographic of all, in the whole world, is boys in their late teens and men in their early 20s, regardless of race, creed, origin.

They are walking hormones with half-formed brains. This is represented in US crime data as well.

The thing is -- instead of trying to keep them out, which is not working, and will never work, what about making immigration safer and easier, so that these men's fathers, mothers, sisters, wives, come as well, in order to nag them into good behavior?

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Sep 25Liked by Tana Ganeva

Definitely being disconnected from family plays a role, I agree.

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Doesn't sound like a lot of fun for them! But as far as building pro-social communities, yeah, make it easier for the pain-in-the-ass family come as well to wallop and immigrant-parent shame them away from crime etc. (And I make this point still thoroughly convinced that immigrant crime panic is Semiotic absurdity that ... snoooooze I bored myself so much I'm asleep now).

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Latino here. Did you check the rape statistics in Latin America and compare them to American rape statistics? I haven't, and I don't really care to, but since you wrote a piece about this, it seems like important information.

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My point is not about what happens in other countries, my point is about immigrant communities in the US, where crime is lower than in general, because I think of some of the reason I outline.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Tana Ganeva

Okay. Just as long as we acknowledge that it's a legitimate concern to worry whether immigrants from more rape-prone nations (whatever they may be) may increase our own rape rate, if we are importing them faster than we can assimilate them.

Yes, it's prurient and nasty and weird for Republicans to hyperfocus on immigrant rape and sex trafficking. But that doesn't mean there aren't legitimate concerns here.

I agree that fear of deportation is a STRONG incentive to keep the law. But I must also note that receiving a Green Card weakens that incentive, and receiving citizenship is removes that incentive altogether.

I am personally in favor of mass immigration. We have a pressing need for immigrants in the USA. But I I insist that as much as we can, we must strive to make immigration 100 percent formal and documented. On democratic grounds and grounds of transparency.

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I mean my thought is that if you streamlined the entire absurd bureaucratic militaristic border apparatus to JUST vet for people with history of major violent crime, everything would be both safer and more humane .

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