"And now this. Regardless of their political position on the issue, the death penalty makes normal people at least a little quesy."

I don't know about this, Tana. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1606/death-penalty.aspx While support for the death penalty has significantly fallen since the Clinton years it's still more "normal" in America to support it rather than oppose. 55-42. I suppose we should just be glad it's not 80-16 anymore, but who knows if/how/when we could return to such numbers.

Enjoying executions is normal behavior throughout human history. If we had an all-execution channel then it would surely get the highest ratings of them all. American males especially would enjoy it even more than their precious Pornhub. And plenty of women would get in on the action too.

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The federal facility I'm in has some kind of drain worm / ring worm infestation. Dodging writhing balls of worms in the shower is not fun.

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Ugh ew! HOW?

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We've nuked them with all kinds of chemicals ourselves, but best guess is they've gotten in the walls.

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Cry some more little bitch.

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I'm not crying. It is what it is.

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Fuckin' loser begging for shekels on the internet from prison?

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Begging for shekels? No. I earn my money like everyone else here. Why do you keep trying to find me on the internet and harass me? I don't even know who you are.

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I wasn't aware that inmates had cellphones in their possession?

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Yeah they get smuggled in.

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Everything can be smuggled in for a price. Usually from one of the cops.

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I moved from CT to FL in 2016 & even then, it was pretty clear DeathSantis had his sights on the White House. He’s not Donnie with a mute button, he’s Donnie with a brain & an authoritarian streak a mile wide- a lot more dangerous imho. I also feel like he’s gone way too far right to have any kind of shot, but any relief I felt dried up with this “No Label” situation

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I really don't think he's got a shot. He has Trump's meanness, but not his humor or charisma. Also it's just so blatant that he doesn't actually give a fuck about all the woke stuff, and I really think GOP voters are good at sussing out when they're being pandered to by someone who thinks they are total idiots. As I've said before I don't believe for a moment that DeSantis would deprive his own kids of books. He IS young and handsome, so in our weird dumb shallow society, maybe Jennifer Rubin or whatever could hype him as a wing-nut JFK but I just don't think conservative voters are that dumb!

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Fuck you and your Jewish god.

The pederasts need to be removed from the schools and Disney is full of them.

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