At what point do you think progressives will stop fiddling while Rome burns?

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SF Democrat here and I voted to recall Chesa Boudin. If this recall demonstrated anything, it demonstrated that progressives (including the ones on this video) are totally out of touch with the rest of the Democrat electorate. Yes, we care about criminal justice reform. Yes, we have compassion for the unhoused. And even though violent crime is down in SF, as one of the commenters noted....We also want to live in a city where we don't have to step over needles, dodge human feces, worry about getting our garages getting broken into, be accosted by people with mental issues, shop in a downtown that is not boarded up because of looting, shop for items in a Walgreens that are not locked up because of shoplifting, etc etc. And, from an SF resident for the past decade, this HAS gotten a lot worse. This stuff matters to our quality of life, and progressives minimize these very real concerns.

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