May 19, 2023Liked by Tana Ganeva

Tamale lady for president

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May 19, 2023Liked by Tana Ganeva

I like the narc thing. Let’s not dance around with funny “in jokes” these people are narcs, losers, asshats, teachers pets... and they suck. Love it

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May 19, 2023Liked by Tana Ganeva

So much to unpack there! Sonya "for the first time ever" comes unglued and ralidly decompensates. 🤯

But for my money Michelle is the clear winner of Nut Job On Patrol. Seriously dear, roving vigilante gangs constantly hanging people (in public! 😲) for CRIMES!!! Sucks to be you, right?

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May 21, 2023Liked by Tana Ganeva

I really dig ‘narc’ over ‘karen’. In my head a ‘karen’ can be a hall monitor or someone “overly confident in asserting themselves their way and you don’t even know how to ask” type. People who think the solution to all problems is just demanding louder or more effectively than I can.

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I have heard that the male equivalent of "Karen" is "Ken", or "Kevin" if you want to keep the same number of syllables. Doesn't quite pack the same much though. "Narc", however, is a better gender-neutral alternative.

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Good read.

I found the lawyer referring to the drunk person as a South American pretty stupid. I never heard of anyone being referred to as a North American before. Portuguese and Spanish are the two most commonly spoken languages in South America so I have no idea how she knew where this person was from.

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It's a toss up. Both are equally gigantic, loser narcs.

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There’s a saying that law enforcement exists, not to protect us from crime, but criminals from us. In the absence of reliable and bias free policing, I’m afraid and worried we will see more of these “narcs” and one day a narc like this one will trigger the worst instincts of people and there will be real lynchings.

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I agree with your opening thoughts on the unfortunate new cultural connotations around the name "Karen." HOWEVER... my friend Matt Sheffield came up with the ultimate usage of it which I now try to pull out whenever the opportunity allows: "Space Karen" - the perfect nickname for Elon Musk...

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